Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hypoglycemia is a condition that mostly affects toy and small-breed dogs

Although Most breeders are aware of hypoglycemia,   few Buyers may understand how important it is to be prepared when  a puppy has low blood sugar, or glucose. Hypoglycemia is often due to overactivity combined with too much time between meals.

Symptoms include: loss of appetite, extreme lethargy, lack of coordination, trembling, muscle twitching, weakness, seizures, and discoloration of skin and gums. as well as refusal to drink or eat even the most temptimg treat. Low blood sugar can cause hypothermia.

If you see these symptoms in a puppy you should of coarse get him or her to your vet asap, However please take the time to  rub syrup on your puppies gums, dabbing sugar water on or under the tongue, and srap him or her in a warm towel before running out the door  It may save your puppies life

Hypoglycemia is easily preventable,  I recomend feeding small puppies 3-4 times daily putting them down for a nap in the afternoon and making sure they have a warm area to play and sleep in.

With little puppies Nutrition is very Imprortant I cannot stress this enough. Feeding your puppy a good Premium food will ensure that every bite counts for nutrition that helps build a strong body and teeth.

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